Sunday, October 31, 2010

Supermarket Satisfaction (New Story Free To Read)

I've posted another story to my Free To Read page. It's an erotica story about sex at work. I had submitted it to an anthology but I got the oh so dreaded rejection letter today. I thought about saving it and maybe submitting it elsewhere but I realized I didn't have any erotic free to read stories up so I figured I'd just share it.

Rejection letters are hard, especially when your confident in the work.  Though I can't complain, my story was just published in the e-book "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss." Oh well. Anyway still working on the novel and still doing research on literary agents. I've been sick since last night and I think its the flu. My joints hurt terribly, but I won't get into all that here.

If you don't already know, the find my "Free To Read" page check out the links section farther down on the right. Oh, and please, if you haven't already, check out "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss" 
-Shadow Mandoll

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Literary Agents?

Well I mentioned before about working on a novel and I realized that I'm going to want a literary agent. Nothing against what I have been doing, submitting strait to small publishers, but if I want to have a chance at my book getting in the hands of a major publisher I need an agent. So tonight I was shopping around, looking at my options and I've found a few I like. I bookmarked their pages and will be contacted them once my manuscript is finished.

I'm really excited about this book, and to be honest I've kind of gone a different direction with it. I've decided against erotica and am going in a more romance theme. Of course it will sit better with major publishers, but then again Erotica is becoming so mainstream that it would work as well. I just don't think Erotica is right for THIS book. As I've been developing these characters I'm realizing who they are and what their not. Isn't it funny how that happens? How we tend to create a character and it takes on its life and we loose control over what their capable of. I think that is the most fascinating and wonderful part about writing.

I notice I'm getting viewers from the Netherlands, I find that very interesting. If your one of them drop a line! I'd love to hear from you.

Well that is all for now, hope you have a great weekend and Halloween!

-Shadow Mandoll

"The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss"

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

New Story

I've add a story to my "Free To Read" page. It's called Megalomania and I've had it up on since around March or so. I really enjoyed writing it but I posted it to Helium in the middle of the night and had forgotten to proof read it! Ah, well, I posted it again with proofing because I wanted to give you guys something to read today but I don't have time to proof it till tonight. So tonight, I'll go in and proof it, and re post it. If that is a big deal to you just wait till tomorrow to read it and all the tiny mistakes will be gone. lol

I had a really rough night last night. I didn't go to bed till 2:30am and then was back up at 5:30. *yawns* lol  I've got a lot of work to do today. I have to write a paper for my forensic photography class, proof read like 6 different stories, work on my novel, and then I get everything ready for Halloween. Oh what wicked good fun!

Well I'll update when Megalomania is proofed and about any other updates that may arise. Thanks for being a reader.

-Shadow Mandoll

"The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss"
The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Free To Read

Shadow's Free To Read

I'll be posting free stories, poems, etc to read for all of you as I can. Right now I just have one poem up but I promise to try and post something every week. There is one story I'm still editing but once its finished I'll post it there. So check it out and if you have time I'd appreciate feedback! Thanks -Shadow Mandoll

Old Stories

Isn't it so much fun to find really old stories you'd forgotten you wrote? lol Not if you wrote them when you were 15 years old and when you copy them into Microsoft Word all you see are green and red squiggle marks! In all five of the stories I found a few of them have a pretty good story line and after some editing I may use them in the future. I might even put one up here as a free to read for all of you. :) Might be fun. *shrugs*

Other then that I've been ignoring my school work and watching NCIS, I'm a very naughty girl. lol

Well I'll sign off for now, don't forget to check out the new e-book from "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss"

-Shadow Mandoll

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

Subtext: A Modern Day Tale Of Female Submission, Book Review

Subtext: A Modern Day Tale of Female SubmissionSubtext: A Modern Day Tale of Female Submission by Kate Marley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Very sexy read. I really didn't have time to read it today but after getting a few paragraphs in I put everything else aside.

View all my reviews

Cry To Heaven Book Review

Cry to HeavenCry to Heaven by Anne Rice

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book took me FOREVER to finish. lol but that being said I adored it. I think its one of Anne Rice's best books. It really is a must read although I warn you it is a little different.

View all my reviews


Sorry, I just love "Army Of Darkness." lol

Anyway, lets see, I worked more on my novel last night. I'm really enjoying it and my forensic science education has been a major help while writing it. I really feel this book will be enjoyable to crime fiction/thriller fans as well as erotica. I'm trying to balance it out so its not dominated be either. I want it be its own thing, if that makes sense. lol

I gotta say, I surprised by the response from everyone. I checked my stats, just curious, and was overwhelmed to see people are actually reading this! I love you for it! I've been writing since I was a kid, in fact I still have a poem I wrote from my grandmother when I was like eight years old. lol When I started submitted erotica for possible publication I really didn't think it would happen for me. We all know just how hard it is to get published without doing it yourself. When my short story was published in "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss" I was ecstatic. Words can't even describe how excited I was.

So, because of all this it has dedicated me even more, and seeing the response from all of you has only escalated this. Thank you.

Well I'm signing off for now. -Shadow Mandoll

Don't forget to check out "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss" on sale now on
and on Nov. 3rd through

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My new project

Well, I won't go into detail as I haven't been working on it very long, but I do officially have a new big project. I'm writing a crime/thriller/erotica book. Oh how tasty, lol. I was fairly tempted to work on a Christmas themed story, and I may still do a short story on it, but for my main project right now I feel good with my decision. I also am working on several short stories for the call for submissons. I'm really excited about writing stories for two themes in particular. Yeah, they might not get accepted, but even so I'm still excited to write them. So, with all that AND college courses, AND a toddler running around I'm one busy girl! lol Well I better sign off for now and get some work done on something. Don't forget to check out "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss" on sale now on and will be available from on Nov. 3rd.

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

Early morning cartoons

Being a parent means one horrifically painful thing: Getting up super early and watching cartoons. lol I'm not complaining, I love being a mom but as we all know, there is no sleeping in. I hear that gets better when the kids get older. I know teenagers sleep in. There is a trade off though, they sleep in but they treat you terribly when awake. lol Ok enough bitching on my part for the day.

It's a little after 7am right now and I've just been piddling. Checking my email, checking my classes, etc. Not much new in either area. I wrote a new story a couple nights ago and submitted it for a anthology on xcite. Hope it gets chosen, but if not it has potential for a full on book. The story needed to be at 4k words and I had to cut out some scenes after I finished to get it down to size. Hated doing that, but *shrugs* I didn't think it sounded too rushed and that's the main worry about those things. Anyway, if it gets rejected I'll keep working on it and resubmit it on its own.

I was checking out the other calls for submissions. There is another one due on the 30th but I don't think I'll do that one because I would have to rush myself too much to complete it and the work would suffer. I've had a few ideas bouncing around in my head and I'm thinking about just working on one of them and just submit it based on what it would fit under.

Well I think I'll sign off for now and get some work done around the house. Don't forget to check out the new e-book, with my short story, "The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss" Which can be found on and

-Shadow Mandoll

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Willing Pupil-Book Review

A Willing Pupil (Xcite Novels)A Willing Pupil by Jacqueline Griffin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, this author is very talented. When I say this I'm talking about how well rounded the story is. It doesn't read like a wam-bam get your jollies erotica story. I found myself very interested in the main character and genuinely wanting to know how his story would end. I highly recommend it.

View all my reviews

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss on sale Nov. 3rd!!!

As the title says, the book will be available on the website on November 3rd. I'm very excited, I looked over the book today and read a couple of the other stories, amazing. I can't wait to read the others. Tonight I'm going to curl up with a cup of cocoa in a comfy chair and indulge. Anyway, write down the date and the name and don't forget to get your copy!

-Shadow Mandoll

Another blog! yay lol

Ok, I received a comment on my other blog and decided to look at that persons blog. I instantly fell in love with the set up over here so I just had to make one. Silly, I know, but who cares. Anyway, not much else has been going on, just trying to make some new friends in this exciting field. I've really started to enjoy which I hadn't known existed until Miranda from turned me on to it with an invite to a group. Life is busy as always but its always good when you have good friends, family, and a little kink ; )