Saturday, October 30, 2010

Literary Agents?

Well I mentioned before about working on a novel and I realized that I'm going to want a literary agent. Nothing against what I have been doing, submitting strait to small publishers, but if I want to have a chance at my book getting in the hands of a major publisher I need an agent. So tonight I was shopping around, looking at my options and I've found a few I like. I bookmarked their pages and will be contacted them once my manuscript is finished.

I'm really excited about this book, and to be honest I've kind of gone a different direction with it. I've decided against erotica and am going in a more romance theme. Of course it will sit better with major publishers, but then again Erotica is becoming so mainstream that it would work as well. I just don't think Erotica is right for THIS book. As I've been developing these characters I'm realizing who they are and what their not. Isn't it funny how that happens? How we tend to create a character and it takes on its life and we loose control over what their capable of. I think that is the most fascinating and wonderful part about writing.

I notice I'm getting viewers from the Netherlands, I find that very interesting. If your one of them drop a line! I'd love to hear from you.

Well that is all for now, hope you have a great weekend and Halloween!

-Shadow Mandoll

"The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss"

The Bad Girl's Sweet Kiss (Xcite Novels)

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